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Client Communications: The Personal Approach

Too often, information delivery is more science than art

Communicating to customers requires nuance and sensitivity. With all good intentions, companies often miss the mark by sounding too official. When reaching out to your audience, make it personal. Always remember that customers are busy people who are often overwhelmed with information coming at them from all directions. They definitely will appreciate key points, especially the ones that make potential benefits clear. So, keep the following tips in mind:

Customize the Message

Consider the diversity of your customer groups and target the communications to their needs. New clients have a different perspective than established ones, and clients who use only a single product or service represent a subset that deserves special attention. Acknowledge the differences, including the preferred channels for receiving your words of wisdom.

Be User-Friendly

Follow Steve Jobs’ Apple-esque guidelines: Be friendly and succinct. Say it creatively, and use the power of visuals to simplify the complex. Don’t bury people with facts, but do highlight a few memorable statistics. Do tell the story conversationally, with examples.

Acknowledge Issues

Sometimes we have to deliver sobering messages, e.g., product or personnel changes or an issue that will affect someone’s world. Here, being honest and forthright is the winning strategy. People respect companies that are upfront about challenges, as long as the presented solutions seem realistic.

Offer Help

It may go without saying, but … some people simply don’t want to read. They may be interested in what you’re doing, but unwilling to slog through website content, promotional material or newsletters to get the gist. Be ready with a prominently displayed phone number, answered by a well-briefed person who has the talent to inform, instruct, reassure and empathize.

As much as possible, look for ways to personalize your relationship with clients, whether it be offering a link to a relevant news article or a greeting on their birthday. If done artfully, communications taps your greatest power: connecting with people.

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